Complete List of High Alkaline Foods

Best High Alkaline Foods. Vegan, alkaline diet concept

Your body performs a remarkable balancing act every day.

It maintains your blood at a precise pH of 7.4.

However, the average Western diet floods our systems with acid-forming foods, forcing our bodies to work overtime.

Too much acidity can lead to inflammation, weakened immunity, and digestive distress.

What if the solution to many modern health complaints was as simple as what's on your plate? By incorporating more alkaline foods and drinks like Cosmic Hue, you can help your body maintain its delicate pH balance without the struggle.

In this article, you'll discover the complete list of high-alkaline foods, understand how they benefit your gut health, and learn practical ways to incorporate them into your daily diet.

What makes food alkaline?

Alkaline foods are often described not by their own pH, but by the effect they have on your body after digestion. This effect is measured by something called the “potential renal acid load” (PRAL), which estimates how much acid or alkaline residue is produced when food is used by the body.

For example, foods high in protein and phosphorus (e.g. meat and dairy) tend to have a positive PRAL, meaning they generate more acidic byproducts. In contrast, foods rich in minerals such as potassium, magnesium, and calcium (e.g. fruits and vegetables) usually have a negative PRAL, leading to the production of more alkaline byproducts. Interestingly, even foods that taste acidic (e.g. lemons) can result in an alkaline residue after being processed by your body.

For your gut especially, pH balance is crucial. While your stomach needs acid to digest food, the rest of your digestive system works better in a slightly alkaline environment. This is why alkaline foods can help with gut health issues.

In fact, Fifth Ray founder Manny successfully managed his Crohn's disease by adding alkaline-rich plants to his diet, including those found in Cosmic Hue tea.

List of high alkaline foods

Leafy greens

Spinach is highly alkaline and packed with iron, calcium, and magnesium. Kale helps balance your body's pH while providing vitamins A, C, and K. Swiss chard is alkaline and has colorful stems and leaves that fight inflammation. Watercress has a peppery taste and strong alkalising effects.

Cruciferous vegetables

Broccoli helps your liver work better and removes toxins from your body. Cauliflower can replace rice, be roasted, or added to smoothies for an alkaline boost. Cabbage is affordable and comes in green or purple varieties, feeding good gut bacteria. Brussels sprouts are excellent for detoxifying your body and creating an alkaline environment.

Root vegetables

Beetroot has natural sweetness and helps your liver, reduces inflammation, and improves blood flow. Carrots are naturally sweet and alkaline, supporting eye health and digestion. Turnips have a mild taste, help digestion, and reduce inflammation. Sweet potatoes provide nutrients that support overall health while being moderately alkaline.

Various Fruits

Lemons taste sour but make your body more alkaline after digestion. Limes work similarly to lemons and boost your immune system. Avocados are alkaline and contain healthy fats that support hormones and nutrient absorption. Cucumbers are mostly water and help flush toxins while keeping you hydrated. Blueberries have antioxidants and fight inflammation, while also being alkaline.

Legumes & nuts

Beans like navy and lima beans provide protein and maintain healthy gut pH levels. Lentils cook quickly and contain minerals that neutralise acid waste in your body. Chickpeas provide protein and fibre that support gut health. Almonds are alkaline-forming nuts, containing magnesium and calcium.

Herbs & spices

Paprika adds colour and alkalising benefits to your food. Parsley helps your kidneys remove excess acid from your body. Ginger aids digestion and reduces inflammation while supporting good gut bacteria. Ashwagandha helps your body handle stress and supports alkalinity.

Alkaline drinks

Herbal teas like Cosmic Hue are an easy way to increase alkaline intake. Coconut water contains minerals that alkalize your body and help maintain proper pH balance. Fruit and vegetable smoothies combine multiple alkaline foods in one drink. Note that coffee is acidic and is one to avoid if you want to have an alkaline drink.

Benefits of alkaline food for your gut

Alkaline foods help create a balanced environment in your digestive system. Your stomach needs acid for breaking down food, but the rest of your gut functions best in a slightly alkaline setting. By including more alkaline foods in your diet, you support this balance, which is essential for optimal gut function.

Many alkaline foods, such as leafy greens and fruits, are rich in vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants. These nutrients work together to reduce oxidative stress and repair the gut lining, which can help lower inflammation. Additionally, the high fibre content of these foods nourishes beneficial probiotic bacteria, fostering a diverse and healthy microbiome that further supports digestion and immune function.

Moreover, alkaline foods contain bioactive compounds like flavonoids and carotenoids that help modulate inflammatory processes by reducing pro-inflammatory markers. By lowering the overall dietary acid load through a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you also ease the strain on your body's regulatory systems, promoting a healthier gut environment overall.


Alkaline foods help balance your body's pH levels and support gut health. By including more leafy greens, cruciferous vegetables, root vegetables, alkaline fruits, legumes, nuts, herbs, and alkaline drinks in your diet, you can create an environment where your gut thrives.

Try Cosmic Hue for an easy way to boost your daily alkaline intake and support your gut health journey.